Friday, September 23, 2005

Please Pray

Hello everyone, I wanted to submit to you a prayer request. I am feeling like its time to move on from home. I feel that God is releasing me to go and so I am stepping out. I don't understand how or what but I am trusting in my Dad that He won't fail me. My family and I are going to Heidi's conference in Fort Worth, Texas and I am expecting God to do a lot in my family individually and corporately. I am also expecting God to set up some divine appointments and have a feeling that I will be going from Fort Worth and not returning back home. Please be praying that I will continue to find favor with the right people for me to do what I need to do, (which I am not even really sure what that is.) I am also needing to find favor in the financial area as well. Thank you for you wonderful support. It means a lot to me. God Bless each and every one of you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe and pray that as God has opened doors for me here in Toronto, He will open greater doors for you in Ft. Worth. "Fear not." You are lifted up.
Jeremiah 29:11

9:22 PM, September 23, 2005  

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