Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mozambique Update #3

June 11, 2005

Hello everyone! Life is good in Pemba but God is better! We have seen hearts change, not only the hearts of the Mozambiqueans but our hearts as well. Since I have been here God has shown me so much of the things in my life that I need to change and surrender to Him. Dying to self and being total laid down lovers of the Most High King. Dying hurts. Its very very painful, but very much worth every bit of the cost.

We have had classes every day all day long. Someone asked me what a typical day for me is like. Well I have been here long enough to actually have a “typical day.” In the morning we wake up around 5:30 every morning (when the sun comes up) and get ready for the day! Yea!! Then at 8:30, Monday through Friday, we have classes with worship before every class! Talk about Heaven!! It is absolutely wonderful. We have two sessions in the morning, lunch at 1:00 in the afternoon and then two sessions after lunch starting at 2. The sun goes down at 5:30 every day and that’s about when school ends, (when we can’t see anything anymore). We have Lesley-Anne, Heidi Baker’s close friend and visionary of this school along with Heidi, speaking for the first morning session. For the second morning session we have a guest speaker. So far we have had Jill Austin, Bill and Melinda Fish, and Sam Kim for guest speakers. During the afternoon sessions we have Heidi or Rolland for the first afternoon session and then another guest speaker for the second afternoon session. (I heard that they are going to cut the second afternoon session because it makes for a really long day sitting in a chair. So that will be very nice.) In the evening after the second session we have dinner and then usually we are too tired to do really anything else so at around 6:30 or 7 I go back to the house and chill and rest and eventually go to sleep. It poses for a very long day but God is showing me tons and tons of things in the midst of all of that.

There is a lot to deal with being here in a third world country but if God is in the middle of it then none of it matters. Staying humble and listening to the Holy Spirit is a key here. Listening and obeying is such a huge element to our Christian walk with Jesus Christ. And yet that is one of the elements that are skipped over in our everyday walk. I have been listening to all of these speakers talk on various subjects and haven’t really got anything profound from what they were saying but allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to you while sitting there in class or in your bed writing in your journal has been a big part of the revelation from Heaven that I came here expecting. Wherever you are at, Holy Spirit can speak to you and show you things if you are open and willing.

One of the things I have been learning is adapting. Adapting to something new, different, and something that I am not used to all together. I don’t have all of the conveniences of home and yet I am growing and learning. God is stretching me in places I never knew I had. He is challenging me in places I was weak in. and He is killing things in me that were in my life that I didn’t see as “bad” and didn’t know I needed to get rid of, but He is slowly getting rid of it. I can’t imagine that this is only my second week being here! Praise God! None of you guys will recognize me when I get back. :)

A couple of days ago I moved from the old compound, living in tents, to the new compound about a mile away in a condo style house. My new house has two rooms with three bunk beds (6 people to each room), a living room/kitchen and two bathrooms. Very nice. No air conditioner or anything like that. But is much better than anything else around here in Pemba (except for the Pemba Beach Hotel, a five star hotel.) As far as prayer requests, please continue to pray for wisdom, discernment, and direction. I am also having some problems with living in communal housing. Just pray for grace and that I would absorb as much as I possibly can during these three months.

Well that is all I can write for now. I have to get going, using up my time, which means money. I am not sure as to when I will be able to write again, the internet is extremely slow so don’t expect a whole lot of mail. Also if there is anyone you know that has not received anything from me please forward this to everyone. God Bless.

God Speed,

John 14:12 -- He who believes in God the works that Jesus did, that person will also do and even greater works than those Jesus did will the person who believes in God, BECAUSE Jesus went to the Father.


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