Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mozambique Update Finale #6

September 11, 2005

Wow I can't believe time has flown as fast as it really has. It seems just like yesterday I was climbing off of that plane and headed off to a land I have never seen before, ready to meet people I have never seen before and minister to a culture I have never heard of before. All of that is old now in the sense of Mozambique. Time has escaped me and I am now back home with my family in Wichita Falls, Texas. At about this time I would expect you to be wondering what I am doing home so early. I will give you the short version of the story. God. Ok so that is not satisfying enough here goes the long version. (Be prepared it may take a while.) :)

Friday, July 29th God got a hold of me in a very powerful way. I had set up a meeting with a girl by the name of Analee to talk about something I had no idea about. I felt like I was supposed to talk with her not really knowing what about made things a bit hard. Analee feeling a very strong sense of urgency, made the appointment for the following day, Friday. When we met the conversation was a bit dry in the beginning not really knowing why we were supposed to meet so suddenly. And so we discussed some things that had been on my heart for a little while but nothing too extravagant. Finally after about 30 or so minutes God began to really pull out of me what was going on inside of me that I had had a hard time letting come out. That clinched the deal. God was there and doing some really crazy things in me. That day I decided and felt as though it was the best God thing for me to do was to come home immediately. There was a very strong sense of urgency in coming home. Also that afternoon in the course of about a 6 hour conversation her entire world was shifted, realizing that God had placed the man of her dreams, the man that she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with right in her lap but he was in South Africa on his way home. (He is a British pop star and had come to Mozambique to ask her to be his girlfriend. They had been friends for about 5 years but she had a no dating rule over her life and wasn't looking for anyone. Turned him down immediately and after our conversation of putting everything that God had told her and told me about her life, the promises and dreams, she realized that he was the man she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with.) So she hopped on the next plane out of Mozambique to South Africa, which was Sunday. She met up with him and God has been crazy awesome with them over the past month. So her life turned upside down and all of my plans to go to Europe were completely down the tube. We are called to live by faith and not by sight, so that’s what I did.

That night changed everything but it didn't stop there. On Sunday, July 30th God really took care of business. Sunday night was the most horrific and most freeing night of my life. I won't go into a whole lot of details so I won't frighten any of you. That is not my intention. (If any of you would like a fuller, more detailed account I would be glad to give it you on an individual basis. Just email me anytime and I will respond as quickly as possible, which is pretty fast now that I have internet at my disposal.) A lot of demonic things began to happen inside of me and after a period of about four hours God completely delivered me of some really nasty demonic spirits that had been plaguing my life for a very very long time. After that night there has been so much freedom in my life, so much liberty to go and do as God asks. I don't feel like I am being restrained anymore by anything. My mind is free from lustful thoughts, my heart is free from brokenness and shame, anger and bitterness, hardness and resentment, and my body and mind are free from pride. I am a free woman all thanks to God. Life has been so much different since that night and I thank God every morning when I wake up knowing that I don't have to struggle with these things anymore.

As to why I am here at home in Texas with my family. Over the course of about two weeks the Lord gave me a lot of promises concerning my family, one of which was that He was going to restore my family through me. (For those of you who don't know, my elder brother committed suicide on July 4th of this year, while I was away in Africa. For those of you, who have been praying for my family, thank you. We have felt your prayers very much.) My family is a very broken family. We need Jesus more than ever to come and restore our hearts, our minds, and our bodies. Since the passing of my brother, hearts have been softened to the goodness of God, although not fully understood, but definitely receptive. God is at work here in my family's hearts and it is starting with my mom and dad. He has called me home and to be obedient to the call of God I came. It hasn't been easy or pleasant by any stretch of the imagination, but it is where my Daddy wants me. Because I love my Daddy so much that I would be crazy enough to give my entire life over to Him and His will I have obeyed Him.

I want to thank everyone for standing by me through the entire summer. For praying for me and my family through our difficult times. For supporting me financially. I apologize to those of you who have not received any of the updates that were promised this summer. It was a hectic summer. But to make it up to you I have put together a site for you and anyone else who didn't receive my updates. (Please pass this along if you know of people who would like to know what is happening in my life.) God has been crazy good to me and I would like to share that with the world. Thank you all once again and look forward to hearing from all of you very soon. If any of you have any questions about anything I have said in this email or in any other emails (even my posts) PLEASE email me. Don't sit on the questions that plague your mind. Ask so that your mind may be at rest. I don't mind responding to any kind of question. If I don't know the answer to your question I will somehow find out or direct you to a person who knows more about a particular subject. PLEASE let me know what you don't understand. If you would like to call me instead that would be fine as well just email and ask for that as well. I look forward to hearing from and see many of you very soon. May God bless and keep you all the days of your life.

Through His Blood,
Joy Waide

Also some of you may be wondering about pictures I have set up another site for pictures, but I am trying to tie both of these together somehow. Attempting to put pictures on my blogspot site. I am not for sure how much room I have for picture downloads so here are about 60 pictures already uploaded onto this site. Once again if this is not being able to be accessed easily please let me know.

Thanks to all of you who have endured this summer with me. It has defiantly been worthwhile! Thank you!!


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