Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mozambique Update #5

July 26, 2005

Hello everyone from Mozambique! God is good and faithful! Wow! I can't contain how good He is. There has and is a lot going on here in the wonderful country of Mozambique and the city of Pemba. God is showing up and revealing Himself in a wonderful incredible way. The funny thing is that when God shows up and starts doing things the devil likes to stick his nose in the middle of it all and try to disrupt it all. And let me tell you we have all of it. God is blessing and the devil is attacking. We have so many things that go on in a day its insane. Last night in our house God showed up and started wrecking all of us and revealing His heart. While that was going on in our house there were some guys walking home from the other base and they were robbed. No one was hurt but it is kind of funny. The devil doesn't like what God is doing here. There have been signs of strife and division trying to come into the camp but as soon as it is recognized it is tossed out. At the same time we are seeing miracle upon miracle! Blind eyes are seeing for the first time in peoples lives. Deaf are hearing. The deaf mutes are hearing and talking for the first time is their lives. Kids are being healed of all kinds of things....malaria is one of the big ones. But the greatest miracle of all is people coming the knowledge and saving grace of Jesus Christ and accepting Him as their Savior, Lord, and King. We are seeing whole tribes and villages coming to know Jesus that were previously all Muslim! WOW!!! God is soo good and merciful.

I want to thank all of you guys for supporting me through finances and through prayer. It all means a whole lot to me. For those of you that have been praying for my family thank you. God has got His hand in the middle of this entire situation.

It is so hard to believe that school is going to be over in 2 1/2 weeks! It has gone by so very fast. But I am very excited about the next thing that God has. Some of you know that I am going to England directly after this. I am leaving here on August 14 and going to Johannesburg. I will be staying with a guy and his family that I have met here for about 8 days and then flying out to London on August 22. My plans as of now for England are not set in stone and really don't know what I am doing. My return ticket is from London on October 5. Please be praying that God will direct my footsteps and appoint divine appointments. God has some awesome plans for my time in England and I don't want to miss it. I will be home before you know it. Time is flying by so quickly and I look forward to see all of your beautiful faces when I return.

One other thing my parents are trying to find a house in Texas. So if you could continue to lift them up as well and that God would direct my fathers footsteps in the direction that he needs to go. Divine appointments as well. All of you guys are wonderful. Thank you once again for everything! Will talk to you soon.

God Speed,


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