Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mozambique Update #2

June 1,2005

Hello Everyone, First off I would like to say thank you to all of the replies. It lets me know that people are really reading them! I will not be able to reply to each of them individually but will try to include answers to questions in my emails.

God is so good! Everything here is incredible. Today in Mozambique is a holiday called Children’s Day. Its a day where all of the children at the orphanage get presents, play games and get to eat chicken, (which is only eaten twice a year. Very special!) Momma Heidi flew in yesterday from her preaching tour and was able to be here for Children’s day today, (I don't think she would really miss it for the world. :) For the game aspect of everything, we had basket ball, jump rope, musical chairs, singing and dancing, and a quick thanks to my mom who packed my white clown/mime makeup, I was able to do face painting with the children. They absolutely loved it! I tell ya, you never think that something as simple as chicken, rice and cabbage could be so incredible. We (the students) were able to have some as well which took a lot of work. The cooks spent all night preparing the chickens for all of us. We gave out toys to each of the children. The joy of simplicity is really moving! I wish the church in the states could grab a hold of that! There is so much power in the simple things.

Anyway, moving on, to answer some of your questions. A normal day ................... as of yet there isn't one! :) So far we have just been hanging out with the children, reading, and getting to know each other. School was supposed to start today but because of Children’s Day and because the new center isn't ready yet, things have been delayed. Heidi said that school was supposed to start tomorrow. We will see. One thing you learn very quickly is that everything done here is on their time. Just because they say something will be done in a certain time will mean that it will be done about 3 times later than expected. Mozambiqueans like to please you. They don't want to upset you, so as a result they tell you what you want to hear and it messes up your plans. But praise God, He is in control.

Well it is getting dark outside and we aren't allowed out after dark. I will talk to you guys again very soon. I love you all!
God Speed,


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