Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mozambique Update #4

June 30, 2005

Hello everyone, it has been great hearing from everyone. Please continue emailing and letting me know what is going on in your lives. I won't really be able to respond but I would love to know what’s going on. I am very encouraged to hear from you all.

I have been praying about what to put in my next email for about 2 weeks now and nothing has really come together smoothly so here it goes.

There has been so much going on I don't really know where to begin. God has been doing some massive surgery on my heart the past three weeks. He has taken my heart and pulverized it, cleaned it all up and then put it back together again all brand new. I really feel like a brand new woman and yet I know there is more stripping to come. Daddy has been showing me some really incredible things about His heart. Helping me understand the Fathers Heart for you and me. He wants to gather us up in His arms and cuddle us. Hold us very near to His heart so that we can catch the rhythms of His heart beat. He is a very loving Father. He has helped me realize that without Him I am but dust. I am absolutely nothing. I can't do anything without Him. If I try, I fail. But with Him I can do all things. Learning to rest and rely on Him fully has been very stretching but very needed. Learning to die daily. Learning to give up everything to Him daily. Learning to sit in His lap daily. Learning to learn from Him daily. He has done a lot in my life and I know there is more to come. God has more to pour out. More of His heart to reveal.

I have 6 weeks left here in Mozambique and it is flying by. We have had school for 5 weeks already and I can't believe it. I am very excited. I can't wait to take everything I have received back to Silver City and to Roswell and all over the United States. God wants to pour His Spirit out on America and reveal Himself to us but we have to be ready to give up absolutely everything. WOW!!! Praise God!

If you guys have any questions, comments, answers or statements please feel free to email me. I will try to email you guys back if I can. The internet is very unpredictable and very hard to get in line. But I do have to check it at least every week or two so I will write back at that time. I love all of you and pray that God will begin to do surgery in your heart while you are ready this just as He has and is doing in mine here. Jesus loves you and He wants to draw us all very near to His heart. Please let Him. Let Him draw you into His heartbeat. Let Him love you to death. I love you guys very much and can't wait to see you all.
In His Love,


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