Thursday, December 22, 2005

Where in the world is Joy?

Hello everyone, I appologize for the long delay in putting anything down on this crazy blog thing. Life has been very insane but hopefully is slowing down a bit.
Merry Christmas to all!!! I pray that you have a wonderful holiday season and its not totally chaotic like mine has been so far.
Right now I am in Roswell, living with my aunt and working at a fitness center. I am loving my job although I am putting way too many hours in. God is good though and very faithful even when I am not. I am not sure what the future holds, how long I will be in Roswell or what the next step is going to be. God is in control of that!
I want to quickly thank you for continueing to lift me up in prayer. It is very much appreciated and felt.
I am going to a rocking awesome church here in Roswell. God is doing a lot of things in me and opening up some ministry opportunities. I am still praying about what and how much to get involved. I don't want to over extend myself, (which is very hard for me not to do.)
I haven't had much time to write in the past month or so but hopefully I will get to write a bit more often here in the comming weeks.
I would love to hear from any of you. You can email me at . Also I have been keeping up with my MySpace a lot more than this so if you have a myspace or want to check it out mine is . Drop me a line sometime when you have time. I will try to update all of these more often.
May God bless and Keep you all the days of your life! Merry Christmas!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to see you back joy. We love you.

9:59 PM, December 22, 2005  

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