Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Anoucement of My Lifetime!

God is so amazing! His beauty is like none other. His grace is insurmountable. His love consumes my heart, my mind and my body. His favor that is granted to us is so undeserved that it is humbling. I can't help but wonder what goes through His mind towards us as we go through our lives and the circumstances surround us. As the Father looks at us, what does He see? How does he perceive the things that we do and think and say? Does He look at all of that or does He only look and judge according to what's in our heart? I have found that a lot of times there is a big difference between what I do and what's in my heart? Then again maybe there isn't that big of a difference, maybe the difference is in other peoples perception of what's in my heart verses my actions. And their judgement is based according to what they see me do or say, whether a good day or a bad day. To be so close to the Fathers heart that there is no judgement in us. What a place to be! How I long to be there. To look at people with the purity and love, thats what I long for most. To be so consumed in the heart of God. I have been thinking about Enoch a lot lately. There isn't a whole lot about the man but what is written is extremely intriguing. Genesis 5:23 -24 So all the days of Enoch were 365 years. And Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God; and he was not, for God took him [home with Him]. Anyway, those are some of the things that have been going through me the last couple days.

Aside from the usual insanity that goes through my brain and surrounds my life, there has been an added person to all of the mix. I am officially engaged to be married. I know its quite the shocker. Personally I never thought that I would be here this early in my life. That is the general reaction I get from people that know me. God has a very funny sense of humor. I am so blessed and honored for God to have picked him. What is very interesting to me to see is how perfectly God made us for each other. We complete each other. He is my other half that I have been missing my entire life. I never thought that I could ever feel this way towards someone! God has truly blessed me!