Sunday, October 08, 2006

Lessons Learned

As I sit here thinking about the past few months and the prospective few months, I am humbled and blessed at the hand of God in my life. When I was down and out, rebellious and distant, burdened and weary, God was faithful through and through. Never to leave me to my own demise. He was always there, is always here. I don't deserve that amount of grace. I don't deserve that amount of mercy. I suppose thats why it is grace and mercy - unmerttied favor, undeserved.

Why? That is the question on my mind. After all that we do to him, day in and day out, why is he so faithful? Why does he still reach out to us? After everything that we think, say, act and desire that is in direct opposition to everything that he is, feels and thinks. Then the question is how much of that are we supposed to be like? How much of God are we supposed to be like? We are made in his image but are we supposed to transform ourselves into something like him? The answer is YES!! He is the only thing lovely. He is the only thing truly beautiful and pure, honest and just. He is everything that we as a human race are aspire to be on one level or another.

Over the past few months I have asked myself a very difficult question. What do I want? Let me give you a bit of advice.......DON'T EVER ASK YOURSELF THAT QUESTION. You won't ever get anywhere......then again maybe it was just me. To find out what i truly want is impossible. Life is so much easier to just lay down your desires and fulfill His will. Things are truly much more uncomplicated. His will, His desires and His plan is all we have to worry about. Life is good that way.

So the conclusion to the fire that Dad brought me through, the conclusion to all of the questions being asked is this.......Be still and Know that I am God. (Psalms 46:10) The closer that we get to His heart the more compassion, love and understanding we gain. The more beautiful we become. We are made in His image but with the fall of man in the beginning of time we got really dirty and it covered up all of the beauty. As we draw closer to Dad, He begins to wash the dirt and grime and gunge off of us and we become beautiful again. What a glorious process!! To become like Him is such an honor and a priviledge. To get close to Him is so precious, we should take it lightly and yet we do. So the conclusion...............Its all about getting to know Daddy. All of the problems just begin but they are all worked out and are all worth it, because He is so wonderful!


Blogger Claire said...


would you be up for onething event at IHOP, KC this new years? I would love to meet you

love you sis in Jesus! :)

6:17 PM, October 12, 2006  

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