Thursday, March 30, 2006

I am still on the planet! .... At least parts of me are!

Wow! What a time. God is so good! I need to start off by first apologizing for being out of pocket for so long. Not letting the world know what or where I was. There has been a lot going on in my life over the past few months. I will attempt to get you updated up to this point. The last time I left you with any thoughts I was working at a fitness center here in Roswell. After much deliberation in the Spirit, I put my two weeks in. Although I loved the job, working there meant I was in direct disobedience to the Lord. And because of my disobedience, I was miserable and the enemy began to attack me in very strange ways, from directions I didn't know existed. I honestly wrestled with the Lord about the job. The pay was horrible but I was doing something that I thoroughly enjoyed, graphic design. I finally told my boss that I could no longer work there and that January 31 was my last and final day. I have never had such a battle over a job before. What is even more interesting is that the very thing that I was afraid of came out. Here I am 18, just returned from an incredible overseas life changing trip and am living with my aunt for nothing. No bills, except my phone and I am quitting a job that I enjoy and working pretty good hours, (it wasn't great but it wasn't bad either.) Who in their right mind would give that up? And for what? I didn't have another job lined up. (That would have been a lot easier.) The ONE thing I feared was people thinking I was a bum. The people that know me, know that I am anything but a bum. If you could put a label on me it would be "workaholic" although I try to keep it all in balance. My second to last day my boss and I were talking in her office. I was telling her that I couldn't work anymore after the next day and she looked at me and said, "Well, can I call you a bum then?" I looked at her and said, "Mam' you can call me what you want but I cannot work past tomorrow." Talk about swallowing your pride. Biting the bullet. Turning the other cheek. I learned a lot through all of it. I learned that my reputation really isn't worth anything. My pride, what do I need it for? If everything that I have and everything that I am is in Jesus Christ, didn't he say that he would be my defense? So why do I try to take care of my reputation or defend myself? What a lesson in killing the flesh. After that job was over, I was a bit perplexed as to what to do. I knew that my desire to study the Word of God was able to be met now. I had the time. Over the coming weeks I began counseling a couple people, one guy in particular. That was a very awesome challenge. I had a lot more time to spend with my Daddy in heaven. I don't remember a time that I was really more close to God than that time. Especially for that long of a time. Of course I had had a few days here and there but never weeks at a time of intimate fellowship. Whats incredible is that God wants us to walk in that place all the days of our lives, in the intimate chambers of His heart. What a joyous time! I would never trade being in the presence of the Lord for anything in the world. Nothing matches it. I pray that you too will be able to experience the presence of the Lord in the every-day-ness of your life. It is wonderfully overwhelming!For as long as I can remember the cry of my heart has been, "God love someone through me! Let me see people the way you see them. Let me see life through the filter of your heart. Let my heart break for what your heart breaks. Let my heart rejoice for what your heart rejoices." First off, let me preface all of that with this. BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT YOU PRAY FOR! Answers come at the most unexpected times. Now let me say this. That cry has honestly been my biggest hearts desire, next to, "God I want to see your face." since I was a young girl.For the first time the King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of peace, Creator of the universe loved someone through me. I met this young man at a local restaurant. He was a waiter there. The moment I looked into his eyes the Lord whispered in the depths of my Spirit, "I want you to love him." Initially I was terrified because I didn't know how to love. I could barely love my aunt the way she needed to be loved who I was living with, much less a total complete stranger. Within an instant, God dropped this overwhelming heart of love and compassion deep within my chest. I had never felt this love for someone before. I had experienced it on different occasions but never in a form that I could freely give it away. The best word is unconditional. I met him December 17, 2005 and God took us both on a journey that we will never forget, together and individually. We both learned a lot. I don't know who learned the most. God was teaching me things that will help me to be better prepared for future events in my life. What it means to be a child of God and how to break the Word of God down for people who don't know the "Christianese." Talk about humbling. What I learned is so valuable. I thank Him for the incredible opportunity He gave me to be able to show him the love of God in a way Bryan had never experienced before. Honestly in a way I had never experienced before. I can't really go into all of the details now but maybe someday I will be able to share with you all everything that God did in a young 24 year old man who was in desperate need of a savior.
The first of March I met this amazing couple through a cousin of mine. We had a death in the family at the end of February and so we had family come in from all over to go to this funeral. God totally had His hand on everything, orchestrating my life. My cousin, who I never knew existed was there at the little dinner before the funeral and she overheard that I had gone to Mozambique at Heidi Baker's school. Well come to find out my cousin, Jenny, is an incredibly on fire, totally submerged in God. She is a kindred spirit in that aspect. After chatting with her and her husband, John, for a few hours and seeing them at the funeral, they decided that I needed to meet these friends of theirs. So Jenny set it up for Wednesday, March 1. A God set up! I go to Chillies to meet John and their friends. Immediately the favor of the Lord takes over and Brent (John's friend) is totally blown away by the love of God and wisdom that I have for my age. Brent began to speak into my life and confirmed so many things that the Lord had been telling me over the past two months. Absolutely incredible.
Almost four weeks later, (a few days shy of four weeks), Brent and Melissa (his wife) and I are on our way to Albuquerque to pick up an incredible man of God for a prophetic conference being held in Santa Fe. Not having any clue that this particular weekend with the divine appointments being set up, would be one of the most life transforming times in my entire life. I can't release any more details than that right now but I will as soon as I can. Let me just say, we don't have any clue as to the magnitude of what God is doing around and in us. One funeral. One cousin. One friend. One trip. One man. It changed my life forever! God enjoys setting people up for their destiny's!
So to bring you totally up to date, I am going through a lot of transition right now. I am not sure how much longer I will be in Roswell. I know it won't be very much longer. I am going to be taking quite a few short trips over the coming weeks to see my parents and visit some friends before everything takes off. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I appreciate every one of them more than you know. Please keep in touch. Let me know what is going on in your life and what I can stand in agreement with for you. When I am able to release more information about the things that are to come I will. In the mean time, be blessed and keep your eyes looking toward heaven and your heart knelt in prayer! God speed and God bless.


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